May 27, 2013

Python IF Statement

Python IF Statement

False Values:
None, 0, empty string, empty list, empty dictionary

Boolean False:
True, False
1, 0

==, !=, <, <=, >, >=


Python doesn't have ! operator,

IDLE 2.6.6    
>>> st = 'my non empty string'
>>> if(!st):

SyntaxError: invalid syntax

>>> if(not st):
 print "Empty String"
 print "Non Empty String"

Non Empty String

May 18, 2013

Python Strings - III

Pythonic way to copy a string/list

IDLE 2.6.6    
>>> s = 'my new string'
>>> s
'my new string'
>>> s1 = s[:]
>>> s1

Python % and Strings

python comes up with printf like % things.

IDLE 2.6.6    
>>> str = " I am learning %s since %d days " % ('python',5 )
>>> str
' I am learning python since 5 days '

After %, we need to provide tupple.


Python Unicode Strings:

IDLE 2.6.6    

>>> str = u' Python Unicode \u018e '
>>> str
u' Python Unicode \u018e '
>>> s = str.encode('utf-8')
>>> s
' Python Unicode \xc6\x8e '

Python Strings - II

Python String Part -II

String Methods:

Difference between method and function is that, method is called on an 'object'
while function is called independant.

some of the methods:

s.upper() : converts to upper-case
s.lower() : converts to lower-case

s.strip() : trims spaces

s.isalpha() : whether the string is alpha numeric or not

IDLE 2.6.6     

>>> s = 'd'
>>> s.isalpha
<built-in method isalpha of str object at 0x0039ECE0>
>>> s.isalpha()

>>> s = 'd3('
>>> s.isalpha()

>>> s = '3'
>>> s.isdigit
<built-in method isdigit of str object at 0x003AF580>
>>> s.isdigit()

May 17, 2013

Python Strings

Python Strings:

Stings can be enclosed by " ( double quotes ) or  ' ( single quotes )
escaping works on both single quotes and double quotes

Also, we can have multi-line strings.
- But for multiline strings, it has to be escaped by \
- Or we can use """ or '''


a = " this is \
multinline string "

a = """ this is
multine string """

String in python are immutable. i.e. once assigned, it can't be changed.
i.e. all manipulative operations are resulted into new string

we can use [] operator to access string characters
starting from 0 index

s = 'hello'
s[1] will be 'e'

len function returns lenght of the string

There is no ++ operator in python

May 16, 2013

Python Modules and Packages

python module
- module __name__
- a module can contain executable statements as well as functional statements
- those are executed only once
- modules has its private symbol table
- modules can import other modules
- if you include __name__ == __main__ -> then, it will execute
- otherwise, module can be imported too

python module search path
- module is first searched into module path
- then, module is searched in sys.path
- sys.path same as PATH variable in shell

what is python compiled file
- byte compiled.
- modification time

python standard modules
- python comes up with standard modules
- that is called python library reference
- dependant of system implementation

python packages:
- module namespace - by using dotted module names i.e. A.B
- import * = must be in file  : 

Python: Dynamic and Strongly Typed Language

Python is both dynamically and strongly typed language.

- i.e. Types are checked at run-time

- i.e. We can't intermingle variables with different type
         Javascript: var b = 'x' + 3, This will assign 'x3' into b
         While in python, you it would throw an exception

More into Dynamic Nature of Language:

When we declare a variable, we usually associate a type with that.
i.e. integer, float

For Example:

int a
float b

In STATICALLY typed language, variable type is fixed through out life cycle of program execution.

Assigning a = 's', ( integer typed variable to string would throw compile time error )

But, in python, it's dynamic nature.

Variable can hold any type of data through-out the life-cycle of program execution.

a = {'key':'value'} # first as dictionary
a = 'a' # now as String

So, during compile-time, type checks are skipped, Although, as its strongly typed language,
we can't intermingle two different type of variables.

It is up-to programmers test-suite to detect type errors.

Python Basics

Why Python ?

 - Efficient High-Level Data-structures.
    - Tupples
    -  Lists
    - Dictionaries
    - Sets

- Simple Object Oriented Approach

- Elegant Syntax
   a = "hi %s" % "Dave"

- Dynamic Typing
  - i.e. type-checks are performed at run time


March 29, 2013

Bootstrap modal in center

Showing up bootstrap.js modal dialog into center, when we dont use default width.
here is the hack:

            'margin-top': function () {
                return -($(this).height() / 2);
            'margin-left': function () {
                return -($(this).width() / 2);



March 23, 2013

Zend Framework Basics

Zend Framework, is basically, collection of component,
when put together, we can build web-app relatively faster and stronger.

While, we can use indiviual component too.

Comes up with basic componanents:
